Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thread Saving Tip

I want to share this little tip to help you save thread and keep the dust out of you sewing machine.

Just grab a little scrap of fabric maybe a 4 inch square, fold it in half and keep it by your sewing machine. It might take you a while to get in the habit of grabbing it but at the end of every strip you do, grab your square and sew right over it so it is right under you needle. Then snip the threads so your square stays under your needle. That way you won't have to pull thread out after every thing you sew. You won't have to hold threads when you start and it keeps the dust out of your machine.

You might be thinking, "what a tight wod, thread isn't that expensive," and I agree, it isn't. It is however very annoying to run out and then see a big pile of wasted thread that you snipped off.

It is more annoying when you run out of bobbin and don't notice. There are lots of cuss words that start flying when we run out of bobbin and have sewn a whole strip or bound a whole quilt, but that is for another day.

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